Category: News

Bat Certification

WBSC (Formerly ISF) Bat Certification

The WBSC (Formerly ISF) Playing Rules Commission adopted bat certification standards effective January 1, 2002. Currently, the (ASTM F2219) high-speed batted ball test (100 mph) is used for determining bats allowed to be used...

2018 Championship Selections

Congratulations to all those who have been selected to officiate at championships this year. Have a great tournament, and enjoy the competition!  Show Alberta Proud! Championship Selections – Click Here

The New Logo has arrived!

Hello All ASUA members! We are excited and happy to announce that we have finalized ASUA’s new logo. In addition to this we have opened our own Entripy store so that you can go...

Exciting News – ASUA has a New Look

We are proud to announce the launch of a new logo for ASUA in the coming weeks. You’ll see the new look anywhere we’re out in public, like our website, Facebook, and Twitter. Additionally,...

ASUA Executive Committee’s

ASUA Executive Committee’s

ASUA Members: If you have interest in sitting on a committee for the 2018 season please send to your name to The committees are Education Evaluations Mentorship Recruitment Retention thanks The ASUA Executive

New Level III Umpires in Alberta

Congratulations to the following Alberta Umpires who came prepared to their evaluation and were awarded Level III for their hard work at the U16A Provincial Championship and SP Provincials: Ron Lemasuier (FP) Charday Motley...

2018 Championship Application Deadline/Form

2018 Championship Application Deadline/Form

2018 Championships need to be completed and sent to the Provincial UIC by December 31. Applications should NOT go directly to the Provincial UIC.  They need to be submitted by your Branch President with their...

New Level 5 Umpire in Alberta

New Level 5 Umpire in Alberta

Congratulations to Gary Barnes who represented the province well and was awarded Level V for his hard work. The complete list of officials and official announcement can be reached at:

7 new Level IV Umpires in Alberta

7 new Level IV Umpires in Alberta

Congratulations to the following Alberta Umpires who represented the province well and were awarded Level IV for all their hard work. Emma Jerome-Smith Malcolm Murray Jeannette Oliver Andrew Palmer John Payne Shane Sroka Mark...

The Dish – 17-7

This edition discusses Slo Pitch commitment line, ejections as a play, and no more long distance running for fitness test!