Online Questions and Answers – Becoming a new Umpire

Online Questions and Answers – Becoming a new Umpire

ASUA is excited to hear you are considering Umpiring! We remember when we started! We had some apprehensions, just like anyone would!  The goal of this session is to make sure you are well armed with information so you are comfortable in deciding to become an umpire!

This session will allow you to get any of your questions answered.  The presenters will all be in various stages of their umpiring career, including a presenter who is young and recently became an umpire.

We have prepared a list of questions we will also provide answers for, but we ALSO want your questions.  Feel free to send a reply to this e-mail with any questions you would like answered during the presentation.  Of course, you can ask questions that come up during the presentation.

Sample Questions:

  1. What if I work on weeknights? Can I still fit umpiring into my schedule?
  2. What can I earn Umpiring?
  3. I live in an area of the Province where there isn’t an active league to umpire.  How can I get involved in this case?
  4. What is the cost to become an umpire?  Specifically, if I want to try umpiring for a year before I commit to any extra costs, what is the minimum I need to have/pay?
  5. Can I still take the clinic if I am only interested in learning the rules, and not sure if I want to umpire?
  6. I am a new umpire and I’m concerned that my age may make umpiring difficult.  Do I get to pick what level of ball I will umpire?  Will there always be an experienced umpire to help me?
  7. If I want to umpire Slo-Pitch only, is that possible?  What is different about being a Slo Pitch vs a Fastpitch umpire?
  8. How old do I have to be to become an umpire?  What qualities would you be looking for in deciding if I am old enough?
  9. I also play softball or have another part-time job.  I have limited availability.  Am I still able to umpire?

Our umpire association is considered one of the best in Canada, and we are happy to discuss your concerns and provide real-world experiences.  Many umpires have been umpiring for 25+ years and continue to enjoy umpiring.  With our experience, we can make sure your journey into umpiring is enjoyable and rewarding.

The session will be recorded for those who aren’t able to join us on Thursday.  We will be posting the session to our YouTube channel at:

For those attending, don’t worry.  You won’t need to turn on your camera/microphone to ask questions.  Questions will be asked using the text/chat feature.

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