Category: News

Feb 27/28 Virtual Conference Links

Below are all the Powerpoints and original source videos shown at the Virtual Conference There are also additional slides/videos which weren’t presented at the Conference due to time contraints.

Softball Canada Umpire Recognition Pin Program

Softball Canada introduced a new service recognition program in 2019, which was to be presented to the umpires in 2020.  Due to the world pandemic the presentation of these pins was delayed.  The ASUA...

Webinar – Pre and Post-Game Discussions

The ASUA Education Team (Kris Hartley and Frankie Billingsley) hosted “Pre and Post-Game Discussions” Webinar on Tuesday August 4 at 7:00 p.m. This was Frankie’s final official contribution to ASUA as she has recently...

Webinar – Conferencing: When Umpires Need to Chat

The ASUA Education Team (Kris Hartley and Frankie Billingsley) hosted the second edition of the “Conferencing: When Umpires Need to Chat” Webinar on Tuesday June 16 at 7:00 p.m. This version of the webinar...

ASUA COVID-19 Update

We hope you are all well staying safe during these unprecedented times. Most of us are patiently waiting to see if the 2020 softball season will be cancelled or if it will be a...